Guardians of Eden


a film by Pierre Mann, 50'In the wild splendour of the African savannah, Pierre Mann joins the rangers who track down the poachers, killers of rhinoceros and elephant.

The filmmaker embraces the cause of Africa's great fauna, the target of monstrous trafficking. From being a passive witness to the great African myths, he becomes an actor by joining the anti-poaching teams in their fight for the survival of the last mastodons.

technical data:

50 minutes
camera Pierre Mann
soundPierre Huguet, Lucien Rentz, Laurent Schmittbiel
editingPierre Mann
musicPascal Doumange
voice Daniel Chambet-Ithier
production Regards sur le monde
support Région Alsace, Communauté urbaine de Strasbourg, Cora Strasbourg
distribution dora films
