

a film by Daniel Coche, 49'A man in the countryside, accompanied by his valet and his linen maid. Mister is ill, Mister travels, Mister is scared. Nothing can be done. Mister tries to stimulate himself, to react, but his will seems to collide with the strength of madness. Delirium begins.

It’s the life of a man racked by anguish and fear of others. The film is a cruel and fantastic tale and depicts a lonely man haunted by death, suicide and madness: "when the tenant inside, black, reptile voracious takes over".

technical data:

duration  49 minutes
script Daniel Coche and Daniel Boch from the text of Guy de Maupassant
camera Roland Muller
sound Bruno de Chénerilles
editing Daniel Coche & Jocelyne Ligner
music Bruno de Chénerilles
sound mixer Bruno de Chénerilles
production dora films

Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Direction des Affaires Culturelles d’Alsace, Agence culturelle d’Alsace, Creps d’Alsace, Pédagogie et Création

festivals Mulhouse, Chalon-sur-Saône, Saint-Nazaire (Prix de la meilleure bande son)
